
snazzy terminal (suckless + lightweight)

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

St (Suckless Terminal)

Xresources live-reload demo


# Void
xbps-install libXft-devel libX11-devel harfbuzz-devel libXext-devel libXrender-devel libXinerama-devel

# Debian (and ubuntu probably)
apt install build-essential libxft-dev libharfbuzz-dev libgd-dev

# Nix
nix develop github:siduck/st

(most of these are already installed on Arch based distros)

# Install font-symbola and libXft-bgra

Try it out!

Before you install st on your system, you might want to try it out first. To do so, simply run (requires Nix) nix run github:siduck/st


git clone https://github.com/siduck/st.git
cd st
sudo make install
xrdb merge pathToXresourcesFile

(note : put the xrdb merge command in your wm's autostart or similar)

Using Nix flakes

Add st.url = "github:siduck/st"; to your inputs and install inputs.st.packages."${system}".st-snazzy package


  • Install JetbrainsMono Mono Nerd Font or any nerd font from here


  • Ligatures
  • sixel (check sixel branch)
  • scrollback
  • Clipboard
  • Alpha(Transparency)
  • Boxdraw
  • patch_column ( doesnt cut text while resizing)
  • font2
  • right click paste
  • st desktop entry
  • newterm
  • anygeometry
  • xresources
  • sync patch ( Better draw timing to reduce flicker/tearing and improve animation smoothness )
  • live reload ( change colors/fonts on the fly ) and more...

New patches:

  • autocomplete (Complete the currently typed word using the other words visible in the st window)

Xresources live-reload

# make an alias for this command

alias rel="xrdb merge pathToXresourcesFile && kill -USR1 $(pidof st)"

Ram usage comparison with other terminals and speed test

( note : This benchmark was done on my low-end machine which has a pentium cpu so the speed results might vary )

Default Keybindings

Keybinding Description
ctrl + shift + k Zoom in
ctrl + shift + j Zoom out
ctrl + shift + home Reset Zoom
ctrl + shift + c Copy
ctrl + shift + v Paste
alt + j Scroll down
alt + k Scroll up
ctrl + shift + return Open a new terminal with same cwd
alt + l Follow urls
alt + y Copy url
alt + o Copy the output of commands
alt + s Increase Transparency
alt + a Decrease Transparency
alt + m Reset Transparency

You can change all of these in config.h

Themes/Fonts used

  • ls-icons: https://github.com/Yash-Handa/logo-ls
  • Xresources: onedark (just xrdb merge xresourcesfile, do this everytime you make any change to xresources file) from this repo itself.
  • Font: JetbrainsMono Nerd Font + material design icon fonts

