
Add a Makefile for your docker

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

dockermake v1.0.2

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Getting Started

This README provides guidelines on how to use the Makefile genereated using dockermake managing Docker containers and images. These instructions will cover usage information and for the docker container


In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.

  • Windows
  • OS X
  • Linux


Container Parameters:

List the different parameters available to your container

Makefile Commands for docker:

Run dockermake in you root repository:

make build

  • Purpose: Builds a Docker image.
  • Details: This command runs docker build with the specified image name, Dockerfile, and build context.
  • Usage: make build

make run

  • Purpose: Runs the Docker container in detached mode.
  • Details: Uses the built Docker image to start a new container. It sets the container name and applies any specified port mappings, environment variables, and volume mappings.
  • Usage: make run

make stop

  • Purpose: Stops the running Docker container.
  • Details: This command sends a stop signal to the running container identified by the container name.
  • Usage: make stop

make remove

  • Purpose: Removes the stopped Docker container.
  • Details: First, it stops the container (if running) using make stop and then removes it. Useful for cleaning up containers no longer in use.
  • Usage: make remove

make clean-image

  • Purpose: Removes the Docker image.
  • Details: Deletes the Docker image specified by IMAGE_NAME.
  • Usage: make clean-image

make clean

  • Purpose: Cleans up both the container and the image.
  • Details: It combines make remove and make clean-image to completely remove the container and the image associated with this project.
  • Usage: make clean

make restart

  • Purpose: Restarts the Docker container.
  • Details: This command stops the running container and then starts it again.
  • Usage: make restart

make logs

  • Purpose: Displays the logs for the running container.
  • Details: Fetches and displays the output logs from the container, useful for debugging and monitoring.
  • Usage: make logs

make shell

  • Purpose: Accesses the shell of the running container.
  • Details: Opens an interactive shell inside the running container, which is useful for debugging within the container environment.
  • Usage: make shell

make save

  • Purpose: Saves the Docker image to a tar file.
  • Details: Exports the Docker image to a .tar file, which can be useful for backup or transferring the image.
  • Usage: make save

make load

  • Purpose: Loads the Docker image from a tar file.
  • Details: Imports a Docker image from a .tar file, useful for restoring an image or transferring it from another system.
  • Usage: make load

Command Line Variables

  • IMAGE_NAME - The name of the Docker image.
  • CONTAINER_NAME - The name of the Docker container.
  • PORTS - Port mappings for the Docker container.
  • ENV_VARS - Environment variables for the Docker container.
  • VOLUMES - Volume mappings for persistent data.
  • DOCKERFILE - Path to the Dockerfile.
  • CONTEXT - The build context for Docker.


  • /your/local/path:/container/path - Describe any volumes mounted inside your container.

Makefile Commands for docker-compose:

This Makefile provides a convenient way to manage Docker Compose operations for your project. Below are the available commands and their descriptions:

make build

Purpose: Builds Docker images using Docker Compose. Details: This command executes docker-compose build, incorporating any specified build arguments, Docker Compose file, and environment file. Usage: make build

make up

  • Purpose: Starts up the Docker environment.
  • Details: Uses docker-compose up -d to create and start containers in detached mode.
  • Usage: make up

make down

  • Purpose: Stops and removes Docker containers, networks, images, and volumes.
  • Details: Executes docker-compose down, cleaning up the entire Docker environment created by up.
  • Usage: make down

make stop

  • Purpose: Stops running Docker containers.
  • Details: This command issues a docker-compose stop to halt running containers without removing them.
  • Usage: make stop

make remove

  • Purpose: Removes stopped Docker containers.
  • Details: Executes docker-compose rm to remove containers that have been stopped.
  • Usage: make remove

make clean

  • Purpose: Cleans up everything, including containers, networks, images, and volumes.
  • Details: Combines the functionality of down with additional flags to remove images and volumes.
  • Usage: make clean

make logs

  • Purpose: Displays logs for running services.
  • Details: Fetches and displays output logs from running containers using docker-compose logs.
  • Usage: make logs

make shell

  • Purpose: Accesses the shell of a running container.
  • Details: Opens an interactive shell inside a running container.

make restart

  • Purpose: Restarts Docker containers.
  • Details: Stops and then starts the containers, essentially refreshing the Docker environment.
  • Usage: make restart

Command Line Variables

  • COMPOSE_FILE: Specifies the Docker Compose file.
  • ENV_FILE: Specifies the environment file for Docker Compose.
  • BUILD_ARGS: Build arguments to be passed during image building.

Built With

  1. JavaScript
  2. Inquirer
  3. Chalk

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  • Basil Yusuf


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.