
A javascript game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A javascript game made using the HTML5 canvas, still in development but comes with (hopefully) a useful underlying engine self-made ( that probably still has a lot of errors but never mind :P), the game idea is a simple 2d platformer, the full details are still under development but will hopefully come into shape soon and the game will progress from therein.

######Live preview https://rawgit.com/basimkhajwal/TheZamboniChronicles/master/index.html

-Note this is not very accurate, updates may not be on there 100% of the time. For best results download the game, it will be hosted fully when it is complete.

######Current List Of Tasks To Do:

  • Prevent pause movement
  • Finish game states and managers
  • Manage asset loading (images, sounds etc)
  • Keyboard Input
  • Mouse input
  • Make a JSON level parser
  • Make a 2d scene graph for GUI and base classes for rendering (Minimalistic at first, improve later)
  • Tile map manager
  • Make a physics engine & collision manager with gravity
  • Fix function pointer collisions
  • Make it side scrolling with bigger levels
  • Add dumb enemies that move from side to side
  • Parallax scrolling and background effects
  • Clouds in the background
  • Make moving platforms
  • Fix platform force error
  • Spikes to stand on
  • Add force application to platforms
  • Fix residual error in the pause thing
  • Particle Effects
  • Make side-checking enemies
  • Refactor the world code and make smaller files
  • Add coins
  • Make particle effects more editable
  • Add a HUD and make coins collectable
  • Tutorial areas which show a text info
  • Boss enemies
  • Shooting enemies
  • Make better player textures
  • Add animation to the player movement
  • Add animation to enemy movement
  • Make an options screen
  • Added cookied save games

###Possible Additions

  • Lava that kills the player
  • Water to swim in
  • Enemies that move side to side
  • Enemies that aim
  • Moving platforms
  • Balls that roll with rotations
  • Gun for player
  • Change player skin option
  • More customisation option (customisation = good)
  • Lighting, maybe a dark level where you get a torch or lantern
  • Tutorial level, pop up hints, maybe with alert() that triggers in a certain place on the level