
Practice of github.com/JakubDziworski/Enkel-JVM-language

Primary LanguageJava

Enkel (JVM based language)

Enkel is a simple programming language running on the jvm

Build & Run

  • Generate parser code from ANTLR ./gradlew :antlr:generateGrammarSource

  • Compile *.enk to *.class
    Using IDEA

  • Run java *.class


  • Input(Fields.enl)
Fields {
int field
start {
   field = 5
   print field
  • Output(Fields.class)

Decompiled form:

public class Fields {
    public int field;

    public void start() {
        this.field = 5;

    public Fields() {

    public static void main(String[] var0) {
        (new Fields()).start();

Other examples please see ./EnkelExamples/*.enk


  • Other grammar feature
  • IDEA highlight plugin
  • Support debugger
  • Port to LLVM IR