Welcome to my humble abode in the Digital World..

Awesome Matrix Code

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There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who get Binary and those who don't..

💻 Technologies I Love

  • Flutter
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Frontend and Backend Web Development

Programming Languages

Technologies I Use

Who am I?

class WhoAmI:
	user = 'Haany Ali'
   	current_edu = "St. Mary's Group of Institutions"
   	hobbies = [
   			'Watching Anime',
   			'Reading Sci-Fi Novels'
   			'Being up all Night chasing that ONE BUG...'
   def getCity():
   	return Hyderabad_India()
   def Ambitions():
   	# Assume 10 more awesome ambitions here  ;)

Current Works

  • I'm currently working on 🔭 building Mobile Apps using Flutter and working up on polishing my skills 🌱 in Competitive Programming.
  • Getting Started with NodeJS and the MERN Stack!!

Other Stuff

  • :octocat: My Resume
  • If you have any suggestions to this README, feel free to pull up a request. And if you liked it, go ahead and use it for yourself.(P.S. Star it too!!:grimacing: )

Haany's github stats