npm install
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:5051 to view it in your browser or postman.
We use mongodb
for data storing.
For local setup need mongodb Compass and update .env file variable e.g [DATABASE_URL="mongodb://"
For Cloud setup need mongodb atlas and update .env file variable e.g [DATABASE_URL="Your cloud database path"
For creating the project, you must need to create some users dependent on you, because when you assign the manager to a project, it is necessary that you have some users in the database.
POST http://localhost:5000/api/v1/user/create
"name": "Abdul Basit",
"email": "test1@test.com",
"password": "Test@1234",
"confirm_password": "Test@1234",
"designation": "MANAGER" // or "DEVELOPER"
Description: To create a new user, send a POST request to the specified endpoint with the user details in the request body. Ensure that you have appropriate permissions to access this endpoint. The designation field should be either "MANAGER" or "DEVELOPER" depending on the user's role. Upon successful creation, the user will be added to the database.