
This project involves developing clusterwide configmap which is a configuration object that holds key-value pairs and is accessible to all pods running in the cluster. This enables a central location to manage application configurations that can be shared across multiple pods and even across different namespaces within the cluster.

Primary LanguageGo

Configmap Operator

Configmap operator helps to manage ConfigMaps cluster-wide.


Make sure you have a Kubernetes cluster running before using the operator.

  • Clone the repository.
  • To install the CRD (DemoClusterConfigmap) into the cluster: make install
  • To run the controller: make run ENABLE_WEBHOOKS=false

Using Docker

  • make deploy bh3139/configmap-operator:0.1

  • Create a Namespace:

    # ns1.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
        name: ns1
            managed: "dev1"

    kubectl apply -f ns1.yaml

  • Create a ClusterConfigMap object: kubectl apply -f example/test1.yaml