
Go SDK for sendchamp.com

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Sendchamp with Go

Go library for interacting with the Sendchamp API

Table of contents

Get Started


go get github.com/fuadop/sendchamp


import "github.com/fuadop/sendchamp"

Basic Usage

package main

import (


var publicKey string = "your-public-key"
var mode string = sendchamp.ModeLive // can be set to test mode (sendchamp.ModeTest) too

func main() {
  client := sendchamp.NewClient(publicKey, mode)
  sender := "sendchamp"
  to := []string{"2348023456087"}
  message := "my sms message"
  route := sendchamp.RouteInternational

  res, err := client.NewSms().Send(sender, to, message, route)

  if err != nil {

  // res field contains various values from res
  // like res.Status, res.Message, res.Code, etc.


Checkout more examples in the test files and examples folder.



 publicKey := "public_key"
 mode := sendchamp.ModeLive

 client := sendchamp.NewClient(publicKey, mode)
 sms := client.NewSms()


// routes
sendchamp.RouteNonDND = "non_dnd"
sendchamp.RouteDND = "dnd"
sendchamp.RouteInternational = "international"

// use cases (for creation of sender ID)
sendchamp.UseCaseTransactional = "transactional"
sendchamp.UseCaseMarketing = "marketing"
sendchamp.UseCaseTransactionalAndMarketing = "transaction_marketing"


  • Send

    Send a message to one of more phone number

    sender := "sendchamp" 
    // slice of phone numbers
    to := []string{"2348143775374"}
    message := "Holla amigo!"
    route := sendchamp.RouteInternational
      res, err := sms.Send(sender, to, message, route)
    // use err variables to check for errors like network errors, etc.
    if err != nil {
      // handle
    // use res for api response
    // res.Status, res.Code, res.Message, res.Data.ID, res.Data.CreatedAt, etc.
  • CreateSenderID

    Create a sender ID

    name := "mySenderId"
    sample := "Your otp is 200"
    useCase := sendchamp.UseCaseTransactional
      res, err := sms.CreateSenderID(name, sample, useCase)
    // use err variables to check for errors like network errors, etc.
    if err != nil {
      // handle
    // use res for api response
    // res.Status, res.Code, res.Message, res.Data.ID, res.Data.CreatedAt, etc.
  • GetDeliveryReport

    Get an SMS delivery report with its ID, refer to line 40 in sms_test.go

    // res.Data.ID is the ID gotten from the send sms (sms.Send) method.
      res, err := sms.GetDeliveryReport(res.Data.ID.(string))
    // use err variables to check for errors like network errors, etc.
    if err != nil {
      // handle
    // use res for api response
    // res.Status, res.Code, res.Message, res.Data.ID, res.Data.DeliveredAt, etc.



 publicKey := "public_key"
 mode := sendchamp.ModeLive

 client := sendchamp.NewClient(publicKey, mode)
 voice := client.NewVoice()


sendchamp.VoiceTypeOutgoing = "outgoing"


  • Send

    Send a voice message to a phone number. Refer to voice_test.go.

    customerMobileNumber := "2348153207998"
      message := "Test from golang test suite."
      voiceType := sendchamp.VoiceTypeOutgoing // only supported type currently
      var repeat uint = 3 // repeat the voice 3 times
    res, err := voice.Send(customerMobileNumber, message, voiceType, repeat)
    // use err variables to check for errors like network errors, etc.
    if err != nil {
      // handle
    // use res for api response
    // res.Status, res.Code, res.Message, res.Data.ID, res.Data.CreatedAt, etc.  


PRs are greatly appreciated, help us build this hugely needed tool so anyone else can easily integrate sendchamp into their Go based projects and applications.

  1. Create a fork
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request 🚀

Todo List

  • Report Service
    • Get Wallet Balance method
  • Verification Service
    • Send OTP Method
    • Confirm OTP Method
  • Customer Service
  • Customer Group Service
  • Whatsapp Service
  • Email Service