
The source code for the application in my book Getting MEAN.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Getting MEAN application code

This is the code for the sample 'Loc8r' application that is built through the course of my book Getting MEAN.

Getting MEAN is published by Manningwww.manning.com/sholmes/

The code in this repo is based on Express 4. If you have an older version of the MEAP and you're working with Express 3, the associated code has been moved to getting-MEAN-express3

There are named branches for the various states of the code throughout the book:

  • master Chapter 3 start: A blank Express 4.9.0 project
  • chapter-03 Chapter 3 end: Creating and setting up a MEAN project
  • chapter-04-view Chapter 4 mid-point: The data is hard coded into views
  • chapter-04 Chapter 4 end: Building a static site with Node.js and Express
  • chapter-05 Chapter 5: Building a data model with MongoDB and Mongoose
  • chapter-06 Chapter 6: Writing a REST API: Exposing your MongoDB database to the application
  • chapter-07 Chapter 7: Consuming a REST API: Using an API from inside Express
  • chapter-08 Chapter 8: Adding Angular components to an Express application
  • chapter-09 Chapter 9: Building a Single Page Application with Angular: Foundations
  • chapter-10 Chapter 10: Building a Single Page Application with Angular: The next level