
CS5310Assignment 0, Selection Sort

Primary LanguageC++

Benjamin A. Slack CS5310, a0 05.15.17 benjamin.slack@wmich.edu

Grader: This project was developed with CLion using MingW64 and uses CMake to create its build files. If you'll not be grading and testing in windows, you'll need to install CMake and then generate the appropriate build files using the CMakeLists.txts files in the project.

In addition, if you intend to compile the unit testing part, you'll need to use CMake to build Google's testing framework as well. A binary version for windows x64 will be attached as well as the source. Applications statically compiled and should rely on any linking.

The project's executables, a0.exe & test_sorts.exe, do the following:

a0.exe will run sorts on random lists of integers of lengths from 2 to 100; it will then generate a CSV file with the resulting timing in nanoseconds of those sorts; during execution, standard out will also reflect those timings as well as the contents of the list pre and post sort when the number of the lists is equal to 10.

test_sorts.exe will run unit tests on sorts::selectionSort , checking a reversed list as well as an empty one. Output will consist of the results of the test.