Benjamin A. Slack CS6260 Assignment #2 Solving linear systems with Back Substitution. 03.14.2018

Description: Implements a parallel solution to solving systems of equations using a triangular matrix and back sub- stitution. Two different parallelizations of the triangulate algorithm are implemented, a inner loop and middle loop parallelization. Outputs timing, information for triangulation and back substitution.


inner loop implementation:

a2 [-v] [-n] N-DIMENSION [-t] THREADS [-s] | [-d] | [-g] CHUNKSIZE

middle loop implementation:

a2_otr [-v] [-n] N-DIMENSION [-t] THREADS [-s] | [-d] | [-g] CHUNKSIZE


-v sets verbose mode, prints the contents of the generate matrix, the triangulation, and finally the back substitution solution.

-n sets the dimension of the matrix

-t sets the number of threads

-s sets omp schedule to static with a given chunksize

-d sets omp schedule to dynamic with a given chunksize

-g sets omp schedule to guided with a given chunksize