
Source code of startdetijd.nl

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Bas Milius Logo


Source code of the frontend used on StartDeTijd.nl.

✏️ Make changes

To make changes to the website, follow the following steps. It's assumed that you have basic experience with Node.js and React.

  • Clone the project git clone https://github.com/basmilius/startdetijd.
  • Install dependencies with npm, yarn or pnpm pnpm install.
  • Run the development version pnpm run dev.

🚀 Release

A production build should be created when the changes that you've made are ready for prime time. Follow the following steps to create one. A bunch of optimized HTML, JS and CSS files are created.

  • Stop the development server.
  • Run the production builder pnpm run build.
  • Export the build pnpm run export.
  • Deploy the resulting files in the out folder to your server.