
Conda recipes for kwant and related packages, a quantum transport simulations package

Primary LanguageShell

Conda-recipes for my binstar

Install kwant with:

conda install -c basnijholt kwant=1.2.2

In order to install Kwant I made some recipes to compile it and its dependencies.

My recipes

For Mac OS X you need to have X-Code installed, do with xcode-select --install

For Linux it should work out of the box.

To make the build as reproducible as possible I created a Docker image (also in this repo) where I build the linux-64 packages.


Clone this repo and don't cd into it.

You need to have Docker installed:

docker build --tag="build" conda-recipes/docker_build/
docker run -v ${PWD}/conda-recipes/:/conda-recipes/ -it build

After you enter your new Docker image:

conda build /conda-recipes/scotch/
conda install -y scotch --use-local
conda build /conda-recipes/metis/
conda install -y metis --use-local
conda build /conda-recipes/mumps_seq/
conda install -y mumps_seq --use-local
conda build /conda-recipes/tinyarray/
conda install -y tinyarray --use-local
conda build /conda-recipes/kwant/
conda install -y kwant --use-local
conda build /conda-recipes/discretizer/
conda install -y discretizer --use-local