
All files for 6 axis robot arm with cycloidal gearboxes .

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT


Faze4 is small fully 3d printable Open source 6 axis robotic arm. It is functionally and esthetically similar to robotic arms in industry but is aimed for research, education and anyone interested in making his own robot arm. Main "selling points" of this arm that separate it from other DIY arms are:

  • It is cheap <1000 dollars.
  • Uses 3d printed cycloidal gearboxes which have low backlash and can be repaired really easy.
  • All wires are hidden giving it really clean design.

Whole arm has around 1000 parts (including screws and bearings) and weights around 15 kg.

Check the arm in action !

Check the arm in action !

Where to start ?

To build this robotic arm follow Building instructions. All general info about robotic arm is in DOCS. Building instructions and DOCS go hand in hand and you need to follow both to build this arm. Building instructions are about general mechanical assembly while DOCS contain ALL info ( Electrical wiring, Low level setup, High level ROS and Matlab, tips ...).


Where to see more Faze4 robotic arm?

Support the project

This project is completely Open source and free to all and I would like to keep it that way, so any help in terms of donations or advice is really appreciated. Thank you!

Check the arm in action !

Project is under MIT Licence