Frontend Banking Application

This application resembles a bank interface to create accounts, make deposits, withdrawals and show the information currently on memory


Your website should include the following functionality. Please review the rubric below for specific information on how each element will be graded.

  1. Navigation Bar

    • Includes Create Account, Deposit, Withdraw, All Data, and Home pages
    • Routing: Each navigation bar item routes the user to the relevant page. For example, by selecting Home the user should be directed to the Home page.
    • Styled with Bootstrap
    • Highlighting: Each navigation bar item is highlight when you are on that page. For example, Home is highlighted when you are on the home page.
    • Hover effect: When your mouse hovers over a navigation bar item, you see a pop up with a description of that page.
  2. Home Page

    • Includes bank title, image, and a welcome message.
    • Styled as a Bootstrap card.
  3. Create Account Page

    Includes a Bootstrap card with a form that has:

    • Name input field
    • Email address input field
    • Password input field
    • Create account button
  4. Create Account Page Functionality

    Create account page should include the following functionality:

    • Success message: Upon selecting the create account button the user should see a success message.
    • Add Another Account Button: Upon selecting the create account button, the user should see an add another account button.
    • Cleared Create Account Form: Upon selecting the create account button, t will open a cleared create account form.
    • Name validation: The user receives an alert if the name field is left blank.
    • Email validation: The user receives an alert if this field is blank
    • Password validation: The user receives an alert if the password is less than 8 characters long.
    • Disable submit button if nothing is inputted
  5. Deposit Page

    Includes a Bootstrap card with a form that has:

    • Deposit input field
    • Deposit button
    • Balance information displays above deposit form on the card
  6. Deposit Page Functionality

    Deposit page should include the following functionality:

    • Updated Balance: When a user deposits, the balance updates.
    • Success Message: When a user completes the deposit form, they receive a success message confirming their deposit was received.
    • Not A Number Alert: User receives an alert if they add something that is not a number.
    • Negative Deposit Alert: User receives an alert if they try to deposit a negative number.
    • Disable deposit button if nothing is input
  7. Withdraw Page

    Includes a Bootstrap card with a form that has:

    • Withdraw input field
    • Withdraw button
    • Balance information displays above deposit form on the card
  8. Withdraw Page Functionality

    Withdraw page should include the following functionality:

    • Updated Balance: When a user completes the withdrawal form, the number submitted is subtracted from the total balance.
    • Success Message: When a user completes the withdrawal form, they receive a success message confirming that their withdraw was processed.
    • Account Overdraft Feature: When a user withdraws a number higher than the account balance, the user receives an alert message on the withdraw page.
    • Not A Number Alert: User receives an alert if they add something that is not a number.
    • Disable deposit button if nothing is input
  9. All Data Page Functionality

    All Data page includes the following functionality:

    • Track User Submissions: All user submissions appear on All Data page.
    • All Data Displayed On Bootstrap Card: All Data is styled and displayed on a Bootstrap card instead of JSON.

How to run


  • Install NodeJS
  • Install NPM


  1. Download the repository to your computer
  2. Open a terminal window
  3. Navigate to the project's folder
  4. Execute npm start This will open a browser at http://localhost:3000 with the application
