contains a MATLAB implementation of the SARA wavelet dictionary desribed in [1] using a "segment-wise 2D discrete wavelet transform" [2]. Both a serial and a distributed implementation of the dictionary are proposed -
library is a core dependency of theFaceted-Hyper-SARA
wideband imaging library for radio-interferometry. -
Codes ublished by the author of [2], available online, have been significantly refactored for use in the MATLAB codes associated with the following paper.
P.-A. Thouvenin, A. Abdulaziz, M. Jiang, A. Dabbech, A. Repetti, A. Jackson, J.-P. Thiran, Y. Wiaux - Parallel faceted imaging in radio interferometry via proximal splitting (Faceted HyperSARA), submitted, preprint available online, Jan. 2020.
Authors/contributors: P.-A. Thouvenin, A. Dabbech.
[1] R. E. Carrillo, J. D. McEwen and Y. Wiaux, Sparsity Averaging Reweighted Analysis (SARA): a novel algorithm for radio-interferometric imaging, MNRAS, 426(2):1223-1234, 2012.
[2] Z. PRŮŠA -- Segmentwise Discrete Wavelet Transform., Dissertation thesis, Brno University of Technology, 2012.
Just clone the current repository
git clone https://github.com/basp-group/SARA-dictionary.git
To get started with the library, take a look at the documentation hosted online on github.
To build the documentation, make sure the following Python packages have been installed, and issue the appropriate buid command.
# setup conda environment to build the documentation
conda env create --name sdwt-doc --file environment.yml
## alternative using conda
# conda create -n sdwt-doc
# conda activate sdwt-doc
# conda install pip
# pip install miss_hit
# pip install -r requirement.txt
# building the documentation in html format
cd docs
make html
All the generated .html
files are contained in the docs/build
If needed, you can delete the conda
environment as follows
conda env remove -n sdwt-doc
Add a worktree
from the master
# make sure the folder html does not exist before running the command
git worktree add docs/build/html gh-pages
cd docs/build/html
git add .
git commit -m "Build documentation as of $(git log '--format=format:%H' master -1)"
git push origin gh-pages
# delete the worktree
cd ../
git worktree remove html
Make sure any pull request has been properly formatted with the miss_hit
package using the provided miss_hit.cfg
configuration file
# activate sdwt-doc environment (see previous paragraph)
conda activate sdwt-doc
# run the following command from the root of the package (where the miss_hit.cfg file is)
mh_style --fix .