
HellMOO notes and utilities

Primary LanguageLua

hellmoo utils for mudlet

This is a collection of Mudlet modules that are intended to be used in HellMOO but might be useful more generally for other MUD/MOO style games as well.

Most of the modules are heavily inspired by similar functionality available in TinTin++ (as wel as other) clients. Note that all of this functionality already has equivalent ways to accomplish the same in Mudlet. The only thing this package does is to expose that functionality in a different, more ad-hoc and (hopefully) wrist-friendly way.


The whole package consists of a variety of modules that can be used together independently of eachother. The only dependency they all have is that the hum module must be loaded first becuause that contains some generic facilities that are common to a number of modules.

  • hum the top level loader (root) module (documented below)
  • delay executes a piece of code in the future
  • swatch helps you to keep track of durations (it's a stopwatch)
  • ticker executes code on regular intervals
  • action triggers code on patterns of output
  • mapper is a mapper API tailored to HellMOO
  • highlight makes it easier to create highlights on the fly
  • gag removes lines from output completely

Check out each module's subfolder for specific information about that module.

quick start

The recommended way to load modules is using the hum system module. First, we need to load (or source) this module into our client session.

> lua dofile([[/scripts/hellmoo/hum.lua]])

This will load the loader and a setup some aliases that we can use to load additional modules. We can inspect the loader and see the raw object:

> lua hum

And this will display a literal Lua table with all the stuff that's hanging from the hum object. Another thing we can do is get the hum module's help by executing hum help (or just the name of the module, in this case hum).

> hum help

This will show you some general info and all aliases provided by the hum module. Other modules might have examples and remarks in their help.

If we execute hum list we should get a list of modules that are available:

> hum list
module                           loaded
action                           false 
delay                            false 
swatch                           false 
ticker                           false 
highlight                        false
gag                              false

If you just loaded the hum module then none of the other modules should be loaded. We can load an individual module using the hum load alias:

> hum load {ticker}

This will load the ticker module, initialize it and make sure it's ready to be used. We can check this by just executing ticker which should display this module's help file:

> ticker

We can verify that it's loaded using the hum list alias as well:

> hum list
module                           loaded
action                           false 
delay                            false 
swatch                           false 
ticker                           true 
highlight                        false
gag                              false

Also you should be able to see the module on attached to the hum object and available as the global ticker object as well. You can inspect these by using the lua alias.

hum (loader) module

This module is responsible for loading additional modules and offering a convenient discovery point.

  • hum load {<module>} load an individual module
  • hum load all load all available modules
  • hum list list module info
  • hum help show the helpfile for this module

To read more about the hum module you can always execute hum (or hum help) after loading it.