
npm version react-native platform react-native platform

Platform independent paged ScrollView. Mimics ViewPagerAndroid on iOS.



npm i react-native-view-pager --save


const ViewPager = require('react-native-view-pager');


import ViewPager from 'react-native-view-pager';



  • initialPage - (Integer) - Index of initial page that should be selected. Use setPage method to update the page, and onPageSelected to monitor page changes.
  • onPageScroll - (Function) - Executed when transitioning between pages (ether because of animation for the requested page change or when user is swiping/dragging between pages) The event.nativeEvent object for this callback will carry following data: - position - index of first page from the left that is currently visible - offset - value from range [0,1] describing stage between page transitions. Value x means that (1 - x) fraction of the page at "position" index is visible, and x fraction of the next page is visible.
  • onPageScrollStateChanged - (Function) - Function called when the page scrolling state has changed. The page scrolling state can be in 3 states: - idle, meaning there is no interaction with the page scroller happening at the time - dragging, meaning there is currently an interaction with the page scroller - settling, meaning that there was an interaction with the page scroller, and the page scroller is now finishing it's closing or opening animation.
  • onPageSelected - (Function) - This callback will be called once ViewPager finish navigating to selected page (when user swipes between pages). The event.nativeEvent object passed to this callback will have following fields: - position - index of page that has been selected.


  • ref.setPage(page: Integer) - Selects the specified page animated.
  • ref.setPageWithoutAnimation(page: Integer) - Selects the specified page without animation.


Simple Calendar example included. See example folder.


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