
Python code to read the MATE3 data via MODBUS

Primary LanguagePython

Outback Power MATE3


Outback Poweris a manufacturer of Solar power systems (among other things). I selected their products because they offer some great integration and data collection.

The software in this repository can be used to extract data from the MATE3 control head.

Note that this code only outputs to text, but can obviously easily be converted over to output in other formats.

MODBUS? SunSpec?

Modbus is a pretty old industrial automation protocol. Implementations usually have some funky mapping to map current data formats to MODBUS. The MATE3 uses a renewable energy spec called SunSpec. It defines most conversions etc, same differences in the Outback implementation

Outback specified their SunSpec mappings in AXS_APP_NOTE.pdf. The code uses the field names as variable names to make it easier to find them in the spec.


I have only tested this code with my own equipment:

  • MATE3, System display and controller (note, not tested with newer MATE3s)
  • HUB4, System Communications Manager
  • FXR3048A, Inverter
  • FLEXMAX80, Charge controller
  • FLEXnet-DC, Battery monitor (provides power balance)

If you have other equipment, please let me know and I can add support pretty easily.




  • Inverter AC USE variable seems to not read correctly (I suspect this is a firmware issue)