
Phoenix/Cljs/Chartjs demo

Primary LanguageJavaScript

What is it ? | Quickstart | Configuration

What is it ?

Stockboard is a application created with the intention of playing around with Phoenix. In addition, some of my other goals for this application was to use the Bulma CSS Framework and Chart.js. For the frontend piece, I wanted to use clojurescript. Obligatory screenshot:

Stockboard screenshot


# fetch and compile dependencies
$ mix deps.get
$ mix compile

# compile clojurescript. might need to download [leiningen](https://leiningen.org/)
$ cd stockboardcljs
$ lein deps
$ ./scripts/build

# build assets
$ brunch build

# Db tasks
$ mix ecto.create
$ mix ecto.migrate
# start server
$ mix phoenix.server

Then point your browser to http://localhost:4000


Stock quote configuration screenshot You can add stocks to track using the add stocks tab. Here's a description of what some of these stock configuration options mean:

  • Symbol : stock ticker symbol. GOOGL for example.
  • Exchange : the stock exchange where the stock is traded. Currently only NYSE or NASDAQ.
  • Name : A name to associate with the stock symbol.
  • Update every : Interval in seconds for refreshing the stock quote.
  • Save every : Interval in minutes for saving stock quotes into the Database. The application currently persists : the price (current/high/low) as well as the volume.
  • Keep for : How many days to keep the quotes in the Database.