
A Python implementation of Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A Python implementation of a variety of Counterfactual Regret Minimization (CFR) variants for finding the Nash equilibrium of zero-sum imperfect information games.


To get started with openCFR, it is recommended that you use pip:

pip install openCFR

Alternatively, you can clone this repository and install it from source by running python setup.py install.


This library uses:


Implementation Notes

This library is written in pure Python and is not yet optimized for speed or memory usage. Small games such as rock-paper-scissors, liars dice, and Kuhn poker perform well, but more extensive games such as heads-up no-limit Texas Hold-Em may be too large without bucketing game states.


Defining A Game

All user-generated games should inherit from the Game abstract base class, which provides a framework for defining the rules of a game. Each Game object is initialized with three values: num_actions, num_players, and action_map. num_actions is the total number of unique actions available in the game. In rock-paper-scissors, this would be three. num_players is the number of players in the game. Note: The behavior of each CFR variant is currently untested for greater than two players. action_map is a list of strings with a length equal to num_actions. Each action i is mapped to the string at action_map[i]. In rock-paper-scissors, action_map=['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'].

The Game abstract base class requires the implementation of the following functions:

  • is_chance_node(history): Returns true iff chance defines the action at this game state, else false. For example, dealing cards.
  • is_terminal_node(history): Returns true iff the state is terminal, else false.
  • handle_chance(history): Defines behavior at chance nodes. Returns a list of possible outcomes and a list of the probability of those outcomes
  • get_terminal_utility(history): Returns the utility at a terminal node for the player who just acted.
  • get_available_actions(history): Returns the actions available to a given player at the current state.
  • get_player(history): Returns the identifier of the player who acts in this state.
  • get_infoset_key(history): Converts the game history to a string containing only events in the history seen by the player whose turn it is to act.
  • build_game_tree(): Recursively builds a game tree consisting of GameNode objects. Starts with an empty history and utilizes the above functions to iterate through the full game.

There are many ways to structure your games history. However, in the sample games provided by this library, it is structured as a list of tuples. Below are all of the possible histories at terminal game states for Kuhn poker:

[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'J'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'Q'), ('r', 'K'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'J'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 0)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 2)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 0), (1, 1), (0, 3)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 1), (1, 2)]
[('r', 'K'), ('r', 'Q'), (0, 1), (1, 3)]

In the above histories, chance events are formatted as ('r', chance_outcome), and all other events are formatted as (player, action_taken), where the action_map in Kuhn poker is ['Check', 'Bet', 'Call', 'Fold'].

Defining Utility

In order for the provided implementations of CFR to work correctly, the utility at a terminal node in the game tree should be represented by an object with a get_utility() function. This library provides the UtilityNode abstract base class to inherit. The two primary use cases for a utility node are static utility and dynamic utility:

  • Static Utility: The returned utility will be the same for every traversal through the game tree. For example, in rock-paper-scissors if player 1 throws rock and player 2 throws scissors, player 1's utility will always be 1 and player 2's utility will always be -1.
from games import UtilityNode

class StaticUtility(UtilityNode):
  Define utility at each terminal node where each call to get_utility returns the same value.

  def __init__(self, utility):
    self.utility = utility

  def get_utility(self):
    return self.utility
  • Dynamic Utility: The returned utility will be different for every traversal through the game tree as the result of a random outcome. For example, in a Texas Hold-em game tree which utilizes bucketing for hand strength, if player 1 and player 2 both have a hand strength that is in the same bucket, the get_utility() function will randomly select which of the two players won that hand.
from games import UtilityNode

class DynamicUtility(UtilityNode):
  Define utility at each terminal node where each call to get_utility returns a different value.

  def __init__(self, player, utility):
    self.player = player
    self.utility = utility

  def get_utility(self):
    wins = some_random_event

    if self.player == wins:
      return self.utility

    return -self.utility

Building A Game Tree

Once the rules of your game have been defined, to build the game tree call game.build_game_tree(). The return value of this function will be a GameNode object representing the root of your game tree.

Sample Games

This library comes with three pre-defined sample games:

  • Rock-Paper-Scissors
    from games.sample_games import RPS
    game = RPS()
    game_tree = game.build_game_tree()
  • Kuhn Poker
    from games.sample_games import Kuhn
    game = Kuhn()
    game_tree = game.build_game_tree()
  • Heads-Up No-Limit Texas Hold-Em
    from games.sample_games import TexasHoldEm
    game = TexasHoldEm(small_blind, big_blind, starting_stack)
    game_tree = game.build_game_tree()

The Nash Equilibrium for each of these sample games has been computed using the CFR+ algorithm for 100,000 iterations and are avilable for use in the OpenCFR/pretrained/ directory.

Selecting A Minimizer

This library has implemented five variants of the Counterfactual Regret Minimization algorithm:

  • Vanilla CFR
    from minimizers import VanillaCFR
  • CFR+
    from minimizers import CFRPlus
  • CFR with regret based pruning
    from minimizers import RBP_CFR
  • Monte-Carlo CFR with external sampling
    from minimizers import MCCFR_External
  • Monte-Carlo CFR with outcome sampling
    from minimizers import MCCFR_Outcome

Finding A Nash Equilibrium

Once you have defined a game and selected a minimizer, you can begin training:

from games import *
from minimizers import *
from Trainer import Trainer

game = TexasHoldEm(small_blind=2, big_blind=4, starting_stack=50)
minimizer = CFRPlus
trainer = Trainer(game=game, minimizer=minimizer)

infosets, expected_utility = trainer.train(iterations=10000, display_results=False, save_results=True, save_freq=10)

When traversing the game tree, the minimzer builds a dictionary of InfoSet objects, whose key is generated by calling game.get_infoset_key(history). Each information set represents a set of nodes in the game tree which are indistinguishable for a given player. To get the Nash equilibrium for an information set i, call i.get_average_strategy(). This dictionary of InfoSet objects is what is saved while training.


The table below shows the performance of each algorithm as evaluated on Kuhn poker, where one iteration is a full traversal of the game tree.

CFR Variant Iterations/Second
Vanilla CFR ~1100 it/s
CFR+ ~1100 it/s
CFR with regret based pruning ~850 it/s
Monte Carlo CFR with external sampling ~2100 it/s
Monte Carlo CFR with outcome sampling ~2300 it/s


Copyright (c) 2022, Rex Stockham

Distributed under the MIT License

See the accompanying LICENSE.txt file for licensing, copyright, and warranty terms. All files in this repo are subject to those terms and by using this software you are agreeing to those terms.