
Meteor package: Postprocess Less using pleeease (including autoprefixer).

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Less 2.2.0 + Pleeease 2.0.0

This is a native LESS package with Pleeease postprocess support.

Pleeesse postprocess includes: autoprefixer, filters, rem, pseudoElements, opacity import, minifier and mqpacker.


meteor add bassjobsen:less-pleeease


You can pass custom options to pleeease by setting PLEEEASE_OPTIONS environment variable: export PLEEEASE_OPTIONS='{ "browsers": ["Chrome 36", "iOS 7"]}'

Important! When deploying to production PLEEEASE_OPTIONS has to be set on the machine where you bundle your project, for example if you are using your Mac to deploy to Modulus.io you must set the environment variable on you Mac then run modulus deploy, setting it on modulus website will have no effect.

To unset environment variable run: unset PLEEEASE_OPTIONS

If no PLEEEASE_OPTIONS_OPTIONS environment variable is found it fallbacks to pleeease default options: ["> 1%", "last 2 versions", "Firefox ESR", "Opera 12.1"]

For more info on the pleeease are similair to the autoprefixer options please check https://github.com/ai/autoprefixer#browsers

###From meteor less package:


LESS extends CSS with dynamic behavior such as variables, mixins, operations and functions. It allows for more compact stylesheets and helps reduce code duplication in CSS files.

With the less package installed, .less files in your application are automatically compiled to CSS and the results are included in the client CSS bundle.

If you want to @import a file, give it the extension .import.less to prevent Meteor from processing it independently.