
Basic React/NodeJS CRUD project -

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Hi! For this project I've used: :

NodeJS, Mongoose, React,

Webpack, React-Router, Redux,

MongoLab and Css-Modules

Basic CRUD operations SPA application with storing data in a database. I'm also using DigitalOcean to host my project - Link


$ cd {intoYourProjectsFolder}

$ git clone https://github.com/bassment/eliftech.git

$ cd eliftech

$ npm install

$ npm start

You will also need to add MONGO_URL to your ENV_VARIABLES to connect application with a database!


First you need to build a project with webpack. In package.json we have simple script to do this task, so in your terminal:

$ npm run build

$ npm run production

The production version will run at the same port(3000) as the development version. So be sure to run them one at once.