
add Xalan 2.7.2

Primary LanguageXSLT


Xalan 2.7.2

Learn more at Xalan 2.7.2

* Installed in /opt/xalan-j_2_7_2

Apache Xerces2 Java 2.11

Learn more at Apache Xerces2 Java 2.11

* Installed in /usr/share/java

Saxon-HE 9.7

Learn more at Saxon-HE 9.7

* Installed in /opt/SaxonHE
* Example from the command line: java net.sf.saxon.Transform -s:source -xsl:stylesheet -o:output


* Change to directory containing your XML and XSL files (simplest use)
* docker run -it -v $PWD:/work bassoman/ubuntu-jdk-xml /bin/bash
* Once in container, change to /work and use any example command listed above