Turing Machine Puzzler


  • Run npm install. This will install the correct elm version locally and also run elm-make as an npm postinstall hook. When npm install has finished there should be a file called elm.js.

Development Mode

  • npm run dev starts elm-reactor with the correct ELM_HOME set (alternatively, you could do ELM_HOME=node_modules/elm/share node_modules/.bin/elm-reactor manually).
  • Go to http://localhost:8000/index.debug.html.
  • You now see the Elm app in the integrated Elm debugger and live reload enabled.

Pseudo Production Mode

  • npm start starts the app in "production mode" by simply building it with elm-make and then serving it via http-server.
  • Go to http://localhost:8080/index.html.
    • This is the "production" view. No live reload, no debugger.
    • If you change the code, you need to rebuild elm.js by executing npm run make or by stopping the running http-server and execute npm start again (which will also trigger npm run make).