Pass through portal not working
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- Was using the passthrough portal for last and previous sessions.
- This time, the portal only displayed a blue border from where I expected the passthrough to display.
- Then updated to the latest 1.5 update but it didn't behave any different.
Suddenly noticed the passthrough portal only enabling when leaning over into the outlined keyboard space where the passthrough behaved like the glanceable boundary.
I only use Quest for working and now the keyboard is gone. Any ideas? Could this be due to the v30 quest update conflicting? Also saw Couch mode act oddly and enable in place of passthrough portal without turning it on.
Other people with a similar issue:
It seems like they changed the behavior of the passthrough portal. The app couldn't change anything as I'm just redirecting you to the creation dialogue, my app doesn't have any of the passthrough portal code. Something interesting I noted, was that it does behave differently when you are at a desk space then when you are using it without it.
I can't change anything about it not working, Oculus would need to fix that :/
Passthrough Portal got completely removed in v31