
This is the website of the co.up community space

Primary LanguageCSS


This is the website of the co.up community space: https://co-up.de/

Photo of co.up space

How to contribute

Thank you so much for thinking about contributing! 🌻

Where to start. Any Github issue tagged with good first issue is a good way to get started.

Questions. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to open a Github issue if it's directly related to the website or otherwise email hello@co-up.de for everything else. We appreciate any sort of contribution.

Set up your local environment

  1. Click the Fork button on Github.
  2. Clone your fork locally and enable fetching updates:
git clone git@github.com:yourusername/co-up.de.git
cd co-up.de
git remote add upstream https://github.com/co-up/co-up.de.git
git fetch upstream
  1. Install Jekyll.
  2. bundle install -- install the required gems
  3. jekyll serve -- serve the website at http://localhost:4000/ (👉 If this errors, then use bundle exec jekyll serve.)

Write and publish a blog post

Set up your local environment. See above.

Duplicate draft file. Go to the _drafts folder, duplicate the file _drafts/2019-11-06-draft.md and rename it. You can change the date but if it's a date in the future you won't be able to see it locally. Don't delete the original _drafts/2019-11-06-draft.md file.

Write your blog post. There is already some basic markdown in the draft but this Markdown Cheatsheet might be useful too.

Check if it's all good with the draft. To see your draft live locally, run Jekyll with the --drafts flag (e.g., jekyll serve --drafts) and open website at http://localhost:4000/

Publish. If it's all good and you're ready to publish it, change the date on the file and move it to _posts.

Setting Social Media info

By default the first 50 words of a post will be used as a preview in social media. You can overwrite this by setting description: you description in the front matter section were you can set various meta information. This is also how you can set a description for each page.

You can specify an image that is used for social media previews by setting image: path_to/image.img in the front matter section were you can set various meta information.

Style guide

https://co-up.de/styleguide/ (This is being worked on in #10.)