
Graphql-Yoga graphql server with integration for SOFA-Api, Prisma, Envelop, Sentry, Typegraphql, Typescript, and Fastify.

Primary LanguageHTML



What is Graphql-Yoga-Prisma?

Graphql-Yoga-Prisma is a combination of various modules combined to create an extendible and powerful graphql server that works in any nodejs environment.

Features include:

  • Integration with Prisma and support for its databases (Sqlite, MySQL, SQL Server, Planetscale, Couchdb, Postgresql, and Mongodb) and also Supabase.
  • Integration with Typegraphql for type declaration and to generate CRUD functionality, resolvers, and a schema.
  • Includes SOFA Api to automatically generate Rest APIs
  • Includes Fastify for extra extendibility and to power the nodejs server.
  • Integration with Envelop and its ecosystem of plugins such as Sentry for its error reporting.
  • Supports Typescript out of the box
  • Integrates with AWS-Lambda to support deploying to a serverless environment
  • Supports Cors with the cors module
  • Supports logging with Fastify included integration
  • Includes File Upload Support

To find out about the different included functionality visit their individual documentations.

Prisma = https://www.prisma.io

Typegraphql = https://www.typegraphql.com

Fastify = https://www.fastify.io

Envelop = https://the-guild.dev/graphql/envelop

Sofa API = https://the-guild.dev/graphql/sofa-api

To get started with this server

  1. git clone https://github.com/bastianhilton/Graphql-Yoga-Prisma
  2. cd graphql-yoga-prisma
  3. npm install
  4. npx prisma db push
  5. npx prisma generate
  6. npm run serve

To change your database to another Prisma supported database

  1. change the .sample.env file to .env

  2. update the DATABASE_URL section with your database url

  3. update prisma/schema.prisma file to the database provider

  4. update prisma/schema.prisma datasource url to url = env("DATABASE_URL"). More information about this here: https://www.prisma.io/docs/getting-started/setup-prisma/start-from-scratch/relational-databases/connect-your-database-typescript-postgres

  5. npx prisma db push

  6. npx prisma generate

  7. npm run serve

How to access your graphql server


How to access your swagger Rest API from SOFA
