This CS3242 module, taken at NUS Singapore, provided fundamental concepts in 3D modeling and animation. We learned to use these concepts to easily build or work with digital models, manipulate the models by means of computer deformation and animation, and use lighting and rendering techniques to create appealing scenes. Topics include coordinate spaces, transforms, 3D model representations, hierarchical structures, deformation, procedural modelling, particle systems, character animation, shading networks, lighting, and scripting concepts.
I created a program that reads in and writes meshes in different formats and then allows modifications such as barycentric and loop subdivision, component counting, smoothing, orienting triangles and coloring. I used C++ and OpenGL. A demonstration can be found here1.
I implemented forward and inverse kinematics to simulate movement of a human character. In forward kinematics, I used both matrix notation and quaternions. In inverse kinematics I used the Jacobian Inverse method.