
ETSI ITS G5 CAM generator from ASN.1 notation

Primary LanguageC


ASN.1 Playground added CAM and DENM definitions to their default schemes. This is an easy and accessible way to determine the size of a CAM and test different payload configurations and, thus, deprecates this repo.


This parses the ASN.1 notation of a Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) as defined in ETSI ITS-G5. The code depends on asn1c and libtasn1.

cam_size creates a minimal CAM and outputs its size. Change this file to create CAMs with different contents, i.e. optional items, low frequency information etc.

Please see http://www.bastibl.net/etsi-cams/ for the motivation and further information.


$ ./cam_size
CAM ::= {
    header: ItsPduHeader ::= {
        protocolVersion: 0
        messageID: 0
        stationID: 0
    cam: CoopAwareness ::= {
        generationDeltaTime: 0
        camParameters: CamParameters ::= {
            basicContainer: BasicContainer ::= {
                stationType: 0
                referencePosition: ReferencePosition ::= {
                    latitude: 0
                    longitude: 0
                    positionConfidenceEllipse: PosConfidenceEllipse ::= {
                        semiMajorConfidence: 0
                        semiMinorConfidence: 0
                        semiMajorOrientation: 0
                    altitude: Altitude ::= {
                        altitudeValue: 0
                        altitudeConfidence: 0
            highFrequencyContainer: BasicVehicleContainerHighFrequency ::= {
                heading: Heading ::= {
                    headingValue: 0
                    headingConfidence: 1
                speed: Speed ::= {
                    speedValue: 0
                    speedConfidence: 1
                driveDirection: 0
                vehicleLength: VehicleLength ::= {
                    vehicleLengthValue: 1
                    vehicleLengthConfidenceIndication: 0
                vehicleWidth: 1
                longitudinalAcceleration: LongitudinalAcceleration ::= {
                    longitudinalAccelerationValue: 0
                    longitudinalAccelerationConfidence: 0
                curvature: Curvature ::= {
                    curvatureValue: 0
                    curvatureConfidence: 0
                curvatureCalculationMode: 0
                yawRate: YawRate ::= {
                    yawRateValue: 0
                    yawRateConfidence: 0
Total size: 327 bits   41 bytes