
Easily build jellyfin-tizen.

Primary LanguageDockerfile


This repository builds jellifin-tizen with three commands. The resulting file is placed in the output/ directory.


  • Docker

Build process:

docker build -t jellyfin-tizen-build .

mkdir -p output
touch output/.test || sudo chown $USER:$USER output

docker run -v "$(pwd)/output":/output -it jellyfin-tizen-build

ls -lah output/
total 18488
drwxr-xr-x  3 jellyfin  staff    96B 27 Mar 10:21 .
drwxr-xr-x  8 jellyfin  staff   256B 27 Mar 10:20 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 jellyfin  staff   9.0M 27 Mar 10:21 Jellyfin.wgt

Install the binary on your TV

Steps to install the build on a Samsung TV:

  • enable developer mode on the tv
  • use the sdb command from within the docker container to install the wgt file

Enable Developer Mode on your TV

On the TV:

  • Go to Apps
  • Type in 12345 (I had to plug in a USB keyboard to the TV to accomplish this)
  • In the dialog that pops up:
    • Turn on debug mode
    • Set the IP address to the your local network IP on the machine running docker (usually 192.168.x.x)
  • Find the IP address of the TV by going to Settings > General > Network > Network Status

Run the docker container to use sdb

docker run -v "$(pwd)"/output:/output -it jellyfin-tizen-build /bin/bash

Once inside the docker container issue:

export PATH=$PATH:/tizen/tizen-studio/tools/ide/bin:/tizen/tizen-studio/tools

tizen@6ca8b1e3dbe1:~$ sdb devices
* Server is not running. Start it now on port 26099 *
* Server has started successfully *
List of devices attached

tizen@6ca8b1e3dbe1:~$ sdb connect
connecting to ...
connected to

tizen@6ca8b1e3dbe1:~$ sdb devices
List of devices attached  	device    	UA63TU3300TX

tizen@6ca8b1e3dbe1:~$ cd /output/

tizen@6ca8b1e3dbe1:/output$ tizen install -n Jellyfin.wgt -t UA43TU8500SXNZ
Transferring the package...