
Manage extension - barely started project

Primary LanguagePython

RDT Utils

Provides tools to clean up a mission document.

  • install a zip instead of a oxt, it eases manipulation.

  • Discover of the Addon.xcu pitfall. In image section, write <prop oor:name="URL"> instead of <prop oor:name="URL" oor:type="xs:string">. It will spare you time!

Requires Java


Requires a VLC compat with vlc.version surely x32


Python packages

  • wxasync

  • python-vlc

On Ubuntu

Pb installing wxpython: try installing from a wheel, see:


On Windows

Installation on Windows requires VLC in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN

Python packages & pip are automatically checked & download at first start. LibreOffice can be incompatible with get-pip.py. Check updates for both LO and get-pip.py


Anyway the process of installing pip & python packages is simple. Use the pyhon embedded with LibreOffice.

C:\Program Files\LibreOffice\program\python.exe get-pip.py

It will install pip. Then install packages manually (if the extension failed).

python.exe -m pip install my_package

Compile Player.exe using PyInstaller

PyInstaller provides an easy way to create an exe for windows. We don't need it anymore since the extension launch the player automatically.

C:\Users\Bastien\Documents>python3 -m PyInstaller --onefile -i=logo.ico RDT.py --windowed

The logo is located in assets/


A special class Mission has cleanup function in its __init__() which does:

  • Apply special style for question (Inter Q)
  • Remove blank char at the end of the line

Tools available in submenu RDT/Toolbox

  • Timecode cleanup
  • Upperise / lowerise questions
  • Remove blank lines
  • Order questions


  • logs should automatically updated during new version extension generation

  • tool to compile menu from simplier format to xml


  • 3.3.7 Use naïve singleton to avoid multiple keyhandler attachment

  • 3.3.6 Compatible with Totem player

  • 3.3.5 VLC Load track from file picker

  • 3.3.4 Bind get_thinks_up to gui event 'load doc'

  • 3.3.3 prefix even when string starts with TC

  • 3.3.2 VLC launcher in toolbar

  • 3.3.1 Get rid of playctl - use full python dbus - implement -+ playing ratio

  • hit F2 from position starts playing even if paused

  • automatic inaudible / incompris sequences

  • implement audio controls + current styles

  • wrap last word into brackets

Ideas for future dev

  • tool to create a new version (ex. using a flag -N to increment number of version)
  • remove and install new extension in one command compile & install