
Blog backend made with NestJS & microservices made during a technical test for a blog microservice.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NestJS Blog Microservice

This repository is a technical test for a blog microservice.

📔 It's my first time using monorepo, I hope the instructions are clear enough.


  • node >= 18
  • docker
  • MongoDB

Project Architecture

  • Producer /producer

Producer is the main API which handles the creation of articles and authors.

When an article is created, a message is sent to the queue articles_queue to be processed by the consumer.

The producer has a Swagger documentation available at http://localhost:3000/docs when the server is running.

Unit tests are available.

  • Consumer /consumer

Consumer is the microservice which handles the queue and is supposed to send emails.

Mail implementation was not required for this test.

  • RabbitMQ

Message broker used to send and receive messages between microservices.



Follow .env.template to create a .env file and fill it with your MongoDB credentials.

Run RabbitMQ

docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER=user -e RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS=password rabbitmq:3.13-management

Run Producer (main API)

cd producer
npm i
npm run start

Run Consumer (microservice)

cd consumer
npm i
npm run start

Console will be available at http://localhost:15672/ with credentials user/password.

How to use the APIs

For calling APIs, you can use the VSCode extension REST Client. You can then open any file.http and click on the Send Request button.

📔 to avoid id duplication, use the syntax @variable = value to define a variable that can be used in requests.

My comments about the test

My approach to this test was to :

  • connect MongoDB
  • create CRUD operations for articles
  • create basics operations for authors
  • link articles to authors
  • implement unit tests
  • create a filter method for articles
  • create a /articles/with-authors endpoint to get articles with their authors
  • create the rabbitmq queues
  • create a rabbitmq mock consumer

Articles's Authors

Not sure wether to use the author id or the author name when creating an article. I chose the id because I'm used to this schema.


Never worked with RabbitMQ before but pretty straight forward to implement.


I mostly used implicit types for this project. As the project gets larger, explicit types might be better.