
Depth map integration using VTK and Cuda

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

Aggregation of depth map according to ray potential function and projection of colors on final mesh

-- Create an empty grid of voxels
  *** For each voxel, try to project it on each depth map.
  *** If the voxel can be projected, compute the 'real distance' between depth map
  and voxel position (with KRT matrix)
  *** Get the 2D position on current depth map
  *** Get 'depth value' associated to 2D position
  *** Use a TSDF (Truncated Signed Distance Function)* to compute the ray potential value
      with 'real distance' and 'depth value'
  *** Add it to the current voxel value.
-- Create an isocontour according to the filled grid using VTK

Cross all 3D points.
For each point, project it on all depth map and get the associated color.
Store results on a vector and compute mean and median values.
Also compute the number of depth map on which 3D points can be projected.
Each points have 3 associated scalars :
- MeanColoration (3 components colors - unsigned char)
- MedianColoration (3 components colors - unsigned char)
- NbProjectedDepthMap (1 component - int)

This library contains classes and static methods which can be used on both
projects (Reconstruction and Coloration)

              DEBUG CUDA CODE
1. Download and install NSight Visual Studio
---- Probably need to create nvidia account to download
---- https://developer.nvidia.com/gameworksdownload#?dn=nsight-visual-studio-edition-4-0-0
2. Follow this nvidia tutorial
---- http://docs.nvidia.com/nsight-visual-studio-edition/4.0/Nsight_Visual_Studio_Edition_User_Guide.htm#Debugging_CUDA_Application.htm%3FTocPath%3DCUDA%20Debugger|_____1

** Eta is a percentage of rho ( 0 < Eta < 1)
** Delta has to be superior to Thick

                         'real distance' - 'depth value'
                                         |         ---------------  Rho
                                         |        /|             |
                                         |       /               |
                                         |      /  |             |
                                         |     /                 |
                                         |    /    |             |
                                         |   /                   |
                                         |  /      |             |
                                         | /                     |
                                         |/        |             |___________________________
------------------  Eta*rho          /
                 |                  /
                 |                 /
                 |                /
                 |               /
                 |              /