
Docker container with supervisor/rtorrent/nginx/rutorrent 64/32 bit

Primary LanguagePHP

Docker container with rTorrent and ruTorrent (stable and latest from github)

(To get github's latests pick 64-latest and 32-latest tags)

Multiple processes inside the container managed by supervisor:

  • nginx
  • php5-fpm
  • rtorrent


  • Web UI ports: 80 and 443
  • DHT UDP port: 49160
  • Incoming connections port: 49161
  • Downloads volume: /downloads
  • rtorrent scratch files (watch and .session will be created automatically): /downloads
  • ruTorrent ui config (config will be created automatically): /downloads/config

ruTorrent UI configuration stored outside the container in /downloads/config to ease the container upgrades.

Adding basic auth:

Put .htpasswd into your /downloads volume root, the container will re-read .htpasswd each time it starts. To remote auth, simply remove .htpasswd and restart your container.

Instructions on how to generate .htpasswd can be found here: Nginx FAQ

$ printf "John:$(openssl passwd -crypt V3Ry)\n" >> .htpasswd # this example uses crypt encryption

$ printf "Mary:$(openssl passwd -apr1 SEcRe7)\n" >> .htpasswd # this example uses apr1 (Apache MD5) encryption

$ printf "Jane:$(openssl passwd -1 V3RySEcRe7)\n" >> .htpasswd # this example uses MD5 encryption

$ PASSWORD="SEcRe7PwD";SALT="$(openssl rand -base64 3)";SHA1=$(printf "$PASSWORD$SALT" | openssl dgst -binary -sha1 | sed 's#$#'"$SALT"'#' | base64);printf "Jim:{SSHA}$SHA1\n" >> .htpasswd) # this example uses SSHA encryption

Adding TLS/SSL:

Put your keyfile (shall be named nginx.key) and your certificate (nginx.crt) into /dowloads volume root, the container looks for these files each time it starts.

Generate a self-signed certificate:

$ openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout nginx.key -out nginx.crt

Nginx TLS/SSL is configured as follwoing:

 keepalive_timeout   60;
 ssl_certificate      /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt;
 ssl_certificate_key  /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key;
 ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
 ssl_ciphers  "RC4:HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5:!kEDH";
 add_header Strict-Transport-Security 'max-age=604800';

(Actually, flaky SSL is disabled)

Basic auth secured with TLS/SSL:

Apparently, put .htpasswd, nginx.key and nginx.crt into /downloads root.

Example, 64-bit:


$ docker run -dt --name rtorrent-rutorrent -p 8080:80 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 -v ~/test:/downloads diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:64


$ docker run -dt --name rtorrent-rutorrent -p 443:443 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 -v ~/test:/downloads diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:64

Example, map both secure and insecure ports, 32-bit:

$ docker run -dt --name rtorrent-rutorrent -p 8080:80 -p 443:443 -p 49160:49160/udp -p 49161:49161 -v ~/test:/downloads diameter/rtorrent-rutorrent:32

Access web-interface: enter http://your_host_address:8080 in a browser for insecure version and https://your_host_address for secure version

Exposing rtorrent configuration

It is possible to expose rtorrents .rtorrent.rc configuration file by adding an extra volume argument when creating the container:

-v /some/location:/home/rtorrent

before starting the container you will have to copy the .rtorrent.rc file contained in this repository to /some/location