
Primary LanguageCMake

Raspeberry Pico (rsp2040) debut

C/C++ via pico-sdk (no micropython yet)

Sources :

How to

  • First get a local copy of pico-sdk (gcl somewhere on your machine)
  • Set an envar "PICO_SDK_PATH" : export PICO_SDK_PATH="path_to_following_cloned_repo/pico-sdk/"
  • Then you need a repo for your project, where you'll have :
    • a copy of "external/pico_sdk_import.cmake" from pico-sdk (you just cloned it)
    • create a "CMakeLists.txt" (see doc for what to write in it)
    • sourcefiles in c/c++ ; must be added to the cmake file too
    • create a build dir in repo project
  • Compile :
    • go to build and run cmake ..
    • then make
  • Load exec into the pico board :
    • press bootsel before and while pluging it in your machine
    • drag and drop the .uf2 exec into the pico

Main project for now : trashcan_lid

Automatic trashcan lid (=couvercle de poubelle automatique) that I broke.
I want to rebuild the system with :

  • Passive Infra Red (PIR) sensor that detects motion
  • Slideswitch (bouton a glissiere) that can lock the state (wether it keeps closed or opened)
  • Servo motor that opens the lid All 3 components controlled by (and wired to) the rpi.

Problems :

  • Pir sensor range it too big (minimum 2m). Already turn at lowest sensi and time. I could try to blur the lens
  • Powering rpi + components is a matter : via usb and wall plug? via raw battery? using a battery holder?
  • Can I only power the raspberry then it powers the 3 components? I think so via vsys vbus and 3v3 (enough for pir and switch at least)
  • To gain power consumption I wanted to on/off the system but the pir required a calibration time : if you power just before use you may need to wait 30 sec to be able to use which is absolutely useless : it wil always be running ; sleeping seems to consume very few power.
  • Are inline functions relevant for the compiler? If not it might consume too much power for nothing and I should only use one uniq main function
  • Would be way cleaner to separate sourcefiles (such as libservo) within several directories but I don't handle cmake very well yet.
  • Solvering header on rpi : ok nickel
  • Solvering the all mechanism, with power acces to rpi, solid but also flex for debug or maintenance, components must keep in place. I need a better plan.