

php artisan stub:publish was pre-executed to uniformly extend the widely-used generators for laravel's artisan.

Controller Namespace

This boilerplate activates by default the old App\Http\Controllers namespace from older Laravel version. Changes found on App\Providers\RouteServiceProviders on protected $namespace

Throttle / Rate-limiting

$this->configureRateLimiting() on App\Providers\RouteServiceProviders is commented-out by default. The typical use-case for our apps requires users to send dozens of requests during production. The throttle middleware is also commented-out on App\Http\Kernel.php.

Default Packages


By default, this boilerplate includes laravel/passport package and set the auth config to use passport as default API driver. The User model also includes HasApiTokens trait by default.


By default, doctrine/dbal package has been added on this boilerplate


By default, league/flysystem-aws-s3-v3 has been added on this boilerplate

customResponse Helper

You can find on App\Helpers\CustomHelpers.php that an customResponse() function was added. This can be used to create a uniform format for all future laravel projects.

S3 Visibility

By default, the visibility is set to public in filesystems.php s3 disk.

Abstract Model

An abstract model was added that all new models will automatically extend.

Abstract Form Request

An abstract form request was added that all new requests will automatically extend. It also has default condition for checking authenticated, unauthenticated and superadmin users

Request Stub

The request stub at /stubs/request.stub has been set to TRUE on authorize function by default

Uploadable Cast

The Uploadable Cast was added to help with uploading file. Read more about the Cast on App\Casts\Uploadable This has been tested on public, local and s3 filesystems as well as passing a valid URL for the file

JSONable Cast

The JSONable Cast was added to help with casting JSONs automatically Read more about the Cast on App\Casts\JSONable

php artisan magic:controller

The magic command php artisan magic:controller has been added. This command will generate a very useful API Controller that allows you to speed up development. The generated controller contains the basic functionality of the APIs, custom request files for each methods as well as invididual events on each methods. Find out more at App\Console\Commands\ExtendedMakeController


  • Create a logger that saves to S3 and add it as default logger