
React SDK for using Ditto in development

Primary LanguageTypeScript

This is the README for version 1.x.x of ditto-react. If you're on an earlier version, please click here.

Ditto React

ditto-react makes it easy to integrate a React app with Ditto.

  • Exposes Ditto data to your application through an easy-to-wrap provider
  • Offers support for localizing using Ditto variants
  • Works hand-in-hand with the Ditto CLI

Ditto also works with many popular 3rd party i18n libraries. Check out our demo repository for an example of how Ditto can be integrated into development using react-i18next.


You can install ditto-react from npm:

# as a dev dependency
npm install --save-dev ditto-react

ditto-react comes with TypeScript bindings out of the box.

Getting Started

Set up the CLI

First, you'll need to set up the Ditto CLI in your repository; initialize the CLI in a place that is accessible to your React code.

For example, if you have a project created with create-react-app, initialize the CLI in the src folder, because directories outside of it can't be imported from your application. See the Ditto CLI's README for more information on how to set it up and start syncing data from your workspace.

Set up the provider

At the root of your application, import and wrap your app in DittoProvider; pass its source prop data imported from the ditto folder generated by the CLI's pull command:

import DittoProvider from "ditto-react";
import dittoData from "./ditto";

const App = () => <DittoProvider source={dittoData}>...</DittoProvider>;

Start implementing text components

Anywhere in your application that requires product copy, import and use the Ditto component:

import { Ditto } from 'ditto-react';

const HomePage = () => (
    <h1><Ditto componentId="home.title" /></h1>
    <h2><Ditto componentId="home.subtitle"></h2>
    <p><Ditto componentId="home.body" /></p>
          <a href="/home"><Ditto componentId="footer.links.home" /></a>
          <a href="/contact"><Ditto componentId="footer.links.contact" /></a>
          <a href="/about"><Ditto componentId="footer.links.about" /></a>

Localize with variants

If the components in your Ditto workspace have variants, you can use them in ditto-react by passing a variant prop to DittoProvider. The value of the prop should be equal to the API ID of the variant:

import DittoProvider from "ditto-react";
import dittoData from "./ditto";

const options = ["base", "spanish", "korean"];

const App = () => {
  const [variant, setVariant] = useState(options[0]);

  return (
    <DittoProvider source={dittoData} variant={variant}>


To see a working React app utilizing the Ditto CLI and ditto-react, please refer to the Ditto Demo project: https://github.com/dittowords/ditto-demo.



The DittoProvider component should wrap all parts of your component tree that will display copy from Ditto.


Prop Type Description
source JSON (required) Copy data imported from the CLI-generated ditto folder — see Source for more info
variant String (optional) The API ID of a variant; if specified, all descendant Ditto components will attempt to display the value of that variant (requires usage of the variants CLI option)
projectId String (optional) The ID of a project in Ditto; can also be ommitted from the provdier and passed as a direct prop to Ditto components
options Object (optional) See DittoProvider options


import DittoProvider, { Ditto } from "ditto-react";
import source from "./ditto";

<DittoProvider source={source}>{/* the rest of your app */}</DittoProvider>;


Key Type Description
environment development or production The environment the DittoProvider should operate in. If production or unspecified, missing text will be silently replaced with an empty string. If development, missing text will be replaced with clear error strings and errors will be emitted to the console.


The Ditto component is used for rendering text. Text can be rendered from components in your component library (recommended) or from projects in your workspace.

Which method you use depends on how you've configured your CLI options. Please refer to the Ditto CLI and Ditto Demo projects for more information.

Component Library (recommended)

Prop Type Description
componentId string The API ID of a component in your component library. If a variant prop is passed to an ancestor DittoProvider, will attempt to display the specified variant's value for the passed componentId; otherwise, will default to displaying base text.
<Ditto componentId="footer.links.contact-us" />


Prop Type Description Example
projectId string (semi-required) ID of a project in Ditto; required if a projectId isn't found in an ancestor DittoProvider
textId string (optional) ID of a single text item in Ditto
frameId string (optional) ID of a frame in Ditto
blockId string (optional) ID of a block in Ditto
filters object (optional) object of filters for text items returned. Currently supports a single parameter: tags, an array of tag strings { tags: ["SELECTS"]}

If you pass textId, the specified text string will be rendered:


If you pass frameId and/or blockId, the specified frame/block object will be passed to a child function:

  {(block) =>
    Object.keys(block).map((id) => <div key={block[id]}>{block[id]}</div>)


In addition to the <Ditto /> component, individual exports of each specific component type are also available. These behave identically to passing the respective prop configurations to the <Ditto /> component, but may provide a better experience for TypeScript users due to their improved out-of-the-box type safety and inference:

import {
  DittoComponent, // rendering components from your Ditto component library
} from "ditto-react";

Additional Examples

Example: Single Text

The Ditto component can be used to fetch a specific text item from the Ditto project using its API ID. Note that you can edit IDs for text, blocks, and frames directly the Ditto web app:

<Ditto textId="text_601cc35c5bsdfe42cc3f6f8ac59" />

Example: Fetch Block

You can also fetch an entire Block in Ditto at once by specifying the frameId and the blockId.

It will return as an entire JSON object of the frame. You can pull out specific IDs of text you'd like to pass to its children.

<Ditto frameId="frame_601cc35d5be42cc3f6f8ad15" blockId="hero">
  {({ hero_h1, text_601cc35c5be42cc3f6f8ac46, hero_cta }) => (

You can also iterate through the entire block (just as you can with any other object) to display each one.

<Ditto frameId="header" blockId="navigation">
  {(block) => {
    return Object.keys(block).map((id) => (
      <div key={block[id]}>{block[id]}</div>

Example: Fetch Frame

You can also fetch an entire Block in Ditto at once by just specifying the frameId. With it, you can fetch specific blocks, or iterate through all blocks and containing IDs as needed.

<Ditto frameId="frame_601cc35d5be42cc3f6f8ad17">
  {(frame) => {
    return Object.keys(frame.blocks).map((blockId) => (
      <div className={style.footerCol} key={blockId}>
        {Object.keys(frame.blocks[blockId]).map((textId) => (
          <div className={style.link} key={textId}>

Example: Filtering by Tags

If you want to filter the text fetched by properties contained in the project itself, you can specify parameters to the filter prop of the Ditto component. This currently only supports the Tags field in Ditto, but will be expanded in the future to filter on any other metadata properties.

// will only return text with the "TOP_NAV" tag
  filters={{ tags: ["TOP_NAV"] }}
  {(block) => {
    return Object.keys(block).map((id) => (
      <div className={style.link} key={block[id]}>


phe React provider takes structured JSON outputs from Ditto as the source. These can be linked and automatically updated via our API/CLI, or exported manually via the Ditto web app.

If you're using manual exports from the Ditto web app, turn on Developer Mode in the toolbar of project you're working from to generate API IDs. Then, export your file formatted with the IDs into your local directory .


Have feedback? We’d love to hear it! Ditto's developer integrations are constantly being improved by feedback from users like you. :)

Message us at support@dittowords.com.