My "C" Compiler

This is a project following the Write a compiler series to implement a compiler for a small subset of C. I chose to use Rust for the implementation.

I've deviated from the tutorial in a couple of places in order to support the x86-64 instruction set. Currently, only 64 bit integers are supported/used though.

How to run

In order to run the compiler, you first need to compile the compiler by running

cargo build --release

in the project folder.

Afterwards you can compile a file by running

./ example.c

This will create an ./a.out file in the file's directory. This script is mainly intended to be run by the write_a_c_compiler test suite. When inside of the write_a_c_compiler sub-director, you can run

./ ../ `seq 1 9`

to run the currently supported tests.

Project Files

The source code is located in the src folder. The source is split into multiple files:

  • The main file, which parses the command line arguments and calls the other functions.
  • The lexer, which converts the input into a stream of tokens.
  • The parser, which converts the stream of tokens into an abstract syntax tree.
  • The abstract syntax tree, which is used to represent the parsed input.
  • The generator, which converts the abstract syntax tree into assembly code.

To Dos

  • Add proper command line argument parsing
  • Add unit tests
  • Add docs
  • Add support for more operators
  • Replace some recursions with folds
  • Modularize the code more
  • Make ints 32 bit and add support for long
  • Make context thread-safe