
POC: azure-functions (kotlin, gradle, tika)

Primary LanguageKotlin



Prepare OS X

Java 8

# Java 8 (e.g.: 8u144-zulu) 
# You may want to use sdkman to manage sdks

$ sdk list java
$ sdk install 8u144-zulu

.NET Core 2.0



# you may want to use nvm to manage your sdk

$ nvm use v10.15.1
$ npm install -g azure-functions-core-tools@core

create function app (node.js)

Why node.js ?


  • simple
  • straight forward
  • works
    $ make help
    $ make fn.create-app.nodejs APP_NAME="example-nodejs"
    $ make fn.app.start APP_NAME=example-nodejs
    $ curl -v http://localhost:7071/api/Func001?name=fooo
    $ curl -v http://localhost:7071/api/Func002?name=fooo
    response: 200 - Hello foo

create function app (kotlin)

related vendor projects

quick start

    $ make -C example-kotlin help    
    $ make -C example-kotlin up
    # curl all endpoints
    $ make -C example-kotlin curl-api
    $ curl http://localhost:7071/api/ping
    => response: 200 - Hello from ping! 2019-02-17T08:53:45.683Z
    $ curl -v POST http://localhost:7071/api/run?name=123
    ==> response: 200 -  Hello, 123
    more example requests ...
    $ curl -v POST http://localhost:7071/api/run?name=123 -d ""{\"foo\":\"bar\"}""
    $ curl -v POST http://localhost:7071/api/echo2?name=123 -d ""{\"foo\":\"bar\"}""
    $ curl POST http://localhost:7071/api/tika http://localhost:7071/api/tika \
          -H 'accept:n' \
          -H 'cache-control: no-cache'   \
          -H 'content-type: application/octet-stream' \
          --data-binary @example-kotlin/src/test/resources/TikaTestDocument.pdf

    ==> response:
      "metadata": {
        "metadata": {
          "date": [
          "pdf:PDFVersion": [
          "pdf:docinfo:title": [
            "Tika Test Document"
          "subject": [
    ( ... )

the trick

Azure documentation lacks some essentials.

Here they are ...

1 - use the "right" lib from maven central

// compile("com.microsoft.azure:azure-functions-java-core:1.0.0-beta-3")

2 - create a fat jar

    $ gradlew shadowJar

3 - create a distribution (e.g.: build/faas)

distribution folder structure

- function.jar
- host.json
- local.settings.json
- swagger.yaml
- func001/function.json
- func002/function.json

Note: your functions need to be whitelisted in host.json !
Note: in function.json, each binding needs an attribute "name". (value for attribute "name" can be anything?)

4 - start a function app from distribution folder

    $ cd build/faas && func start


Q: I can't see the annotations, mentioned in the java-maven-based tutorial, e.g.:


Do I need them?

A: No.

They have no meaning in runtime. 
The maven-plugin use them in compile time to generate your {{funcname}}/function.json

create function app (java)

    Dear, Azure - I don't want to use maven.
    Could you please provide instructions on how to build & run with gradle?
    The maven based tutorial: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-create-maven-intellij
    $ make -C example-java help
    $ make -C example-java up
    it does not work :(
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [INFO] Total time: 41.800 s
    [INFO] Finished at: 2019-02-17T09:05:35+01:00
    [INFO] Final Memory: 42M/267M
    [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.microsoft.azure:azure-functions-maven-plugin:1.2.2:run (default-cli) on project example-java: Stage directory not found. Please run mvn package first. -> [Help 1]
    [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch.
    [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
    [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles:
    [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoExecutionException