
playground for spring-boot, kotlin , querydsl

Primary LanguageKotlin


playground for spring-boot, kotlin , querydsl (with jpa, hibernate)


    $ make -C rest-api app.build

run local db (docker)

    $ make -C rest-api db.local.up

the magic behind the query-dsl-kapt-codegenerator

This example project is based on ...

Note: QueryDSL works fine with hibernate, but does not require it.

Whats wrong with orm, jpa, hibernate and in-memory h2-db these days ?

There is no silver bullet. It's born in a world of single-instance big fat application servers. It hardly fits into a modern world of:

  • functional programming: e.g. immutable threadsafe pojos / data classes
  • CQRS and eventsourcing
  • horizontal scaling of polyglot microservices

Make up your mind ...