
Turning the One API into a Terraform Provider

Primary LanguageGo

The One API Terraform Provider (Terraform Plugin Framework)

This repository contains a Terraform provider that allows you to manage resources through the One API.


  • Go >= 1.16
  • Terraform >= 0.14.x
  • Access to the One API.

Installing The Provider

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/bastosmichael/terraform-provider-theoneapi.git
  2. Move to the directory:

    cd terraform-provider-theoneapi
  3. Build the provider:

    go build -o terraform-provider-theoneapi
  4. Move the provider to your plugins directory:

    mkdir -p ~/.terraform.d/plugins/example.com/user/theoneapi/0.1.0/linux_amd64
    mv the-one-api-terraform-provider ~/.terraform.d/plugins/example.com/user/theoneapi/0.1.0/linux_amd64

Setting Up The Provider

  1. Configure the provider:

    In your Terraform configuration, reference the provider and supply the necessary credentials:

    provider "theoneapi" {
      api_endpoint = "https://the-one-api.dev/"
      api_token    = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"

Running The Provider

To plan and apply your Terraform configuration:

  1. Initialize your configuration:

    terraform init
  2. Plan your changes:

    terraform plan
  3. Apply your configuration:

    terraform apply


If you encounter any issues or unexpected behaviors, you can enable debug mode by setting the environment variable:


Then run your Terraform commands.

Running Tests

To run the provider's tests:

go test ./...

Publishing the Provider

  1. Tag your release:

    git tag v0.1.0
    git push --tags
  2. Build a release binary for your platform:

    GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -o the-one-api-terraform-provider_v0.1.0
  3. Upload the binary to the GitHub release or any other distribution method you prefer.

Note: This is a basic guide. If your provider gains traction in the community, consider registering it with Terraform's public provider registry.