
Plastic SCM < WebAdmin server access


Plastic SCM < WebAdmin server access

Shodan Dork: title:"Plastic SCM"

Date: 18.10.2021

Exploit Author: Basavaraj Banakar

Vendor Homepage: https://www.plasticscm.com/

Software Link: https://www.plasticscm.com/download/releasenotes/

Version: Plastic SCM <

Tested on: Chrome,Firefox,Edge

CVE : CVE-2021-41382

Reference: https://infosecwriteups.com/story-of-google-hall-of-fame-and-private-program-bounty-worth-53559a95c468


1. Navigate to target.com/account [This holds administrator login console]
2. Change URL to target.com/account/register [Here able to set new password for the adminstrator user]
3. Now after changing password of administrator and login to console and Navigate to target.com/configuration/authentication and set an new password for any of the users
4. Now navigate to target.com/webui/repos and login with the recently changed password for user i.e is in step 3