
Website Name ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


This website is revolutionary step towards customer and Organisers intraction around the world. This not only provides user but also the organsers to intract with each other. THE MAIN PURPOSE of website which uses the concept of blockchain to provides hundred percent authentication of ticket and keep safe the customers from being in trap of duplicacy of tickets by vanders . Every block of ticketchain contains an HASH of ticket , which on tranfering from one person to another will change and every user of the part of this blockchain if allow this change then only that change will possible. It play a very crucial role with avoids the duplicacy and make the concert and shows more populated and crowdy.

HOW TO ENTER 1.Sign Up Page: Sign up yourself in Bitcoin.com to Enjoy all shows,concerts and movies with Bit-ticket and full authenticity of Real ticket.

Inside 1.Dashboard: The login page brings you on main dashboard , Which shows all the Upcoming and trending events , choose your event and book ticket through Bit-ticket.com via debit card, cridet card or netbanking.

2.User Profile: your details will be displayed on your profile, which shows all the tickets which you have booked . Here you can cancel and alter the booked details on your tickets .

3.Book ticket: Fill up the details in form and book your favourite shows and movies. Click on "Proceed to pay" . Bit-ticket.com provides you an totally different platform to make payment through currencies like bitcoin , litcoin, etheram etc . This will provide a user freindly platform to Pay in his/her own way.

4.SELL TICKET: Bit-ticket.com also provide you a platform to organiser where they can organise there own event and amke an public announcement of About the event.

Thank you !