
Issue with refresh page: Required option not passed: "access_token"

jpxwb opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi - firstly, thank you for making this repository.

I have a simple page below - api-001.php:

require '../../vendor/autoload.php';

use Strava\API\OAuth;
use Strava\API\Exception;
use Strava\API\Client;
use Strava\API\Service\REST;

try {
    $options = [
        'clientId'     => 123456,
        'clientSecret' => '9876543210',
        'redirectUri'  => 'http://localhost/strava/api-001.php'
    $oauth = new OAuth($options);

    if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
        print '<a href="'.$oauth->getAuthorizationUrl([
            // Uncomment required scopes.
            'scope' => [
    } else {
        $token = $oauth->getAccessToken('authorization_code', [
            'code' => $_GET['code']
        print $token->getToken();
		try {
			$adapter = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['base_uri' => '']);
			$service = new REST($token->getToken(), $adapter);  // Define your user token here.
			$client = new Client($service);
			$athlete = $client->getAthlete();
			$activities = $client->getAthleteActivities();
		} catch(Exception $e) {
			print $e->getMessage();

} catch(Exception $e) {
    print $e->getMessage();

When I first access it, I click Connect and click Authorize.

I'm redirected to http://localhost/strava/api-001.php and can see my athlete info.

However, if I click F5 on the browser, I end up with this error:

PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught InvalidArgumentException: Required option not passed: "access_token" in C:\Data\Websites\vendor\league\oauth2-client\src\Token\AccessToken.php:96
Stack trace:
#0 C:\Data\Websites\vendor\league\oauth2-client\src\Provider\AbstractProvider.php(844): League\OAuth2\Client\Token\AccessToken->__construct(Array)
#1 C:\Data\Websites\vendor\league\oauth2-client\src\Provider\AbstractProvider.php(642): League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\AbstractProvider->createAccessToken(Array, Object(League\OAuth2\Client\Grant\AuthorizationCode))
#2 C:\Data\Websites\strava\api-001.php(33): League\OAuth2\Client\Provider\AbstractProvider->getAccessToken(Object(League\OAuth2\Client\Grant\AuthorizationCode), Array)
#3 {main}
  thrown in C:\Data\Websites\vendor\league\oauth2-client\src\Token\AccessToken.php on line 96

I realise the documentation on the main page for this repository has 2 sections:

First, authorisation and authentication

Then, call your API method!

I tried putting the code for the second part in a separate page, but then it errors on this line:

$service = new REST($token->getToken(), $adapter);  // Define your user token here.

Because I haven't defined $token which is why in my quoted code above I redirect to the same starting page api-001.php as that already has $token defined.

I thought maybe I can store $token in localStorage but I am not sure how I'd store $token in localStorage as it is an array I think, not just a variable with a single value.

Sorry for probably overlooking something very basic - but I cannot see how to set things up so that I can refresh the page, otherwise I have to go back to click Connect each time.

I checked these issues:


But can't work it out.

Sorry if it is something simple, I have basic PHP skills but am trying to work out what to do.
