
Travis CI to github deployer

Primary LanguageRuby

Travis to Github Deployer

The Travis to Github Deployer script helps when you want to deploy files from a Travis CI build into a github repository. This is especially useful when you use Github Pages, so that you can push certain build artifacts to the github pages such as coverage, test results or generated documentation

How does it work

The Travis Github Deployer clones a repository and copies files from the build into that repository. It then pushes these files into the github repository.

Setting up the Github permissions

In order for Travis CI to be 'allowed' to push up the changes into a Github repository, you'll need to configure travis CI. The Travis Github Deployer will use the following .travis.yml environment variables:


You can set up these environment variables in a secure way using the travis gem, in the following way:

$ gem install travis
$ cd <name of your repository>
$ curl -u <your username> -d '{"scopes":["public_repo"],"note":"Travis CI deployer"}' \
$ travis encrypt 'GIT_NAME="<your name>" GIT_EMAIL=<your email> \
	GIT_TOKEN=<your token>' --add

How does this work?

The following command:

$ curl -u <your username> -d '{"scopes":["public_repo"],"note":"Travis CI deployer"}' \

This will get an authentication token. With it, Travis CI can commit under your name. So be careful with it. Then with the following command:

$ travis encrypt 'GIT_NAME="<your name>" GIT_EMAIL=<your email> \
	GIT_TOKEN=<your token>' --add

This will take the token and add it to a 'secure' section in your travis.yml. The Travis Github Deployer will grab it from that section and use it to push up the changes to your repository

Setting up the Travis Github Deployer

The Travis Github Deployer uses one config file: ".travis_github_deployer.yml"

A typical file looks like this:

destination_repository: https://github.com/basvodde/travis_github_deployer.git

  source_dir/source_file: destination_dir/destination_file
  another_file: another_dir/new_name

This yaml file configures the repository to push to to be travis_github_deployer.git and it will copy 2 files from the build into the repository: source_dir/source_file and another_file. It will copy them to destination: destination_dir/destination_file and another_dir/new_name.

Running Travis Github Deployer

Then... running the travis_github_deployer is all you need to do, that is, after installing the gem:

$ gem install travis_github_deployer
$ travis_github_deployer

By default, the deployer will check whether there is a pull request or not and skip deploying on a pull request


At the time I write this README, the project is at a very initial stage and just written to get something of myself to work. However, I've thought about more improvements...

  • Support for putting configuration inside the .travis.yml instead
  • Support for passing the configuration to the script as parameter
  • Support for committing in the same repository as was checked out by travis CI (no need to clone)
  • Support for wildcards on files
  • Some integration tests
  • More

Contributions are more than welcome, please send your pull requests. Do remember, code is test-driven and no code will be accepted without tests...