
boilerplate code for a simple graphql api with rest support

Primary LanguageTypeScript

restaurant menu api


The Restaurant Menu API provides access to various categories of menu items such as appetizers, entrees, sandwiches, and more. This API allows users to retrieve menu items filtered by category and optional criteria such as price range and description keywords.

base url

The API is served under the base URL http://localhost:4000/api Ensure that the server is running on this port or configure it accordingly.

running locally

To run the Restaurant Menu API locally, follow these steps:

  1. clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/bat-kryptonyte/restaurants-node-boilerplate.git
    cd restaurants-node-boilerplate
  2. install dependencies Ensure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, run:

npm install

  1. start the server
npm run build
npm run start
  1. running the test suite
npm test


fetch menu item by category

Retrieve menu items filtered by category with optional query parameters to filter further based on price and description.

  • URL: /api/:category
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params:
    • Required:
      • category=[string] - The category of menu items to retrieve.
    • Optional:
      • minPrice=[string] - Minimum price of the menu items.
      • maxPrice=[string] - Maximum price of the menu items.
      • descriptionContains=[string] - A keyword to search in the item descriptions.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content: An array of menu items.
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 404 Not Found
    • Content: { error : "Category not found" }

data model

menu item

name (string): The name of the menu item.
description (string): Description of the menu item.
price (number): Price of the menu item.



GET /api/entrees?minPrice=10&maxPrice=20&descriptionContains=pasta


    "name": "Farfalle Pasta with Braised Pork in Tomato Cream",
    "description": "capers butternut squash kale",
    "price": 12.95

fetch filtered sandwiches by type

Retrieves all sandwiches of a specified type, filters them based on query parameters such as minPrice, maxPrice, and descriptionContains, and returns the filtered list in JSON format.

  • URL: /api/sandwiches/:type
  • Method: GET
  • URL Params:
    • Required:
      • type=[enum] - The type of sandwiches(hot or cold) to retrieve.
    • Optional:
      • minPrice=[string] - Minimum price of the menu items.
      • maxPrice=[string] - Maximum price of the menu items.
      • descriptionContains=[string] - A keyword to search in the item descriptions.
  • Success Response:
    • Code: 200 OK
    • Content: An array of menu items.
  • Error Response:
    • Code: 404 Not Found
    • Content: { error : "Type not found" }


The Restaurant Menu API also supports GraphQL queries. Below are the GraphQL queries that can be used to interact with the API.

GraphQL Endpoint

The GraphQL endpoint is available at http://localhost:4000/graphql


fetch menu items by category

Fetch all menu items from a specific category.

  • Query:
query GetMenuItemsByCategory($category: String!) {
  getMenuItemsByCategory(category: $category) {

fetch all menu items

Retrieve all menu items across all categories.

  • Query:
query GetAllMenuItems {
  getAllMenuItems {

custom search in menu items

Search for manu items that include a specific keyword in their description

  • Query:
query CustomQuery($search: String!) {
    customQuery(search: $search) {