
Fetches data from an API and lets the user search through the results

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Manager Live Search

This project was created with Angular, TypeScript and RxJS.


Data fetching and setup

Since the data seemed static, I decided to fetch the data at the start itself. There is a loading state and an error state shown in accordance with the fetching.

Upon fetching, the data is sorted by name and mapped to their email ids from the matching account data. It is then passed to the SearchBox component, ready for searching.

Displaying the data with keyboard accessibility

The SearchBox component takes the full list as an argument and filters it based on the search term. It then maps the filtered list to the Option component, which displays the result. The list expands on receiving focus on the textbox and collapses on blur. It also opens on the textbox input. Upon expansion, the first element is always highlighted.

The Option component generates the initials as well. If the input is empty, the all the options are shown. If the search has no matching items, a No matching items message is shown as an empty option. Or if the supplied list was empty to start with, a List is empty message is shown as an empty option.

If only up to 2 options are available, the list becomes non-scrollable and resizes itself accordingly. But for more, it hides the rest and the user can scroll through all with the help of Arrow keys. The in-focus option is always highlighted and ready for selection. Upon Enter, the highlighted option is selected, as in, the name of the manager is shown in the textbox while the list collapses.

Performance of all components have been optimised using the OnPush change-detection strategy. That means there will no no unnecessary re-rendering unless the component input changes or the internal observables fire a change.

Filtering the list on input

The SearchBox component initializes an inner list with the supplied array. The textbox sets the searchTerm, based on which the list is filtered. Since a user may type in a lot of characters, the list is not filtered on every keystroke, but debounced for 300ms. Since the list re-renders on filter, the highlighted option is always updated accordingly with the first one being in focus.

The search term is case insensitive and ignores spaces too. So if the user types SsE and there is are 2 options like Jesse Jackson & Jess Edwards, both of them will be shortlisted. Process:

  • the input term is converted to a regex by replacing spaces and ignoring case
  • if the input term is empty, the list is not filtered
  • else, the list is filtered by matching the names with the regex
  • just before the matching, the name is stripped of spaces as well

Reusability of the SearchBox component

The SearchBox and the Option components have been made reusable with the help of Typescript Generics. They can work with any array of objects provided they have the following props at least:

  id: string,
  name: string,
  firstName: string,
  lastName: string,
  email: string,

The SearchBox component takes in the following arguments:

list: T[] // the list of items of aforementioned type
placeholder: string // to be shown in the textbox
listAriaLabel: string // for the list to be announced

Unit tests

All components and services are tested with near 100% coverage.

Future (not in problem statement)

[ ] Make the SearchBox into a form-control element
[ ] Add mouse interaction to list-items
[ ] Allow access to Option component for custom styling
[ ] Improve accessibility