
Run Pester Tests in containers locally and get PassThru Object

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT


Run Pester Tests in containers locally and get PassThru Object back.

Docker Powershell

Install the Module

Use the following code to install the Module:

Find-Module DockerPester -AllowPrerelease | Install-Module -Force

Azure Pipelines

Module Functionality

Base functionality Pipeline
DockerPester Build Status

Tested Docker Images

Up until now I tested it with the following Docker Images:

OS Pull Pipeline
Windows servercore docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.3-windowsservercore-1803-kb4537762-amd64 Build Status
Alpine 3.8 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-alpine-3.8 Build Status
Alpine 3.9 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-alpine-3.9 Build Status
Alpine 3.10 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-alpine-3.10 Build Status
Ubuntu 16.04 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:6.2.3-ubuntu-16.04 Build Status
Ubuntu 18.04 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:6.2.3-ubuntu-18.04 Build Status
Ubuntu Bionic docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-arm32v7-ubuntu-bionic Build Status
Ubuntu Bionic docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-arm32v7-ubuntu-18.04 Build Status
Centos 7 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-centos-7 Build Status
Centos 8 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-centos-8 Build Status
debian buster slim docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-debian-buster-slim Build Status
debian 9 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-debian-9 Build Status
debian 10 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-debian-10 Build Status
debian 11 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-debian-11 Build Status
Fedora 28 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-fedora-28 Build Status
Fedora 29 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-fedora-29 Build Status
Fedora 30 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-fedora-30 Build Status
OpenSuse 42.3 docker pull mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-opensuse-42.3 Build Status

How to use it


Install Docker

Install Docker on your System from here:

Install Docker

You can install it using Chocolatey with this Script:

Install Docker with Chocolatey

! Installs Chocolatey and Docker. If you already have Chocolatey installed just run the second line.

Blog Post on how to set up and use:

DockerPester on BatesBase

Run a Test - TLDR

$Param = @{
  ContainerName = "DockerPester" #Name of the Container used to Test.
  Image = "mcr.microsoft.com/powershell:7.0.0-rc.2-alpine-3.8" #Image used for the Container
  InputFolder = "/Users/kevin/code/PSHarmonize"#Module or Folder you pass with your Tests in them
  PathOnContainer = "/var" #Path you want to copy to in your container
  PathToTests = "Tests" #Path in 'InputFolder' where your Tests are located
  PrerequisiteModule = "PSHTML" #Pass Modules that are prerequisites to your tests to download from gallery in container.

Invoke-DockerPester @Param

Parameters are described in Detail here: Parameters

Set DockerPester up for your Module to use locally

Find the Documentation to set up DockerPester for your module here - NOT FINISHED

To check out how to set up DockerPester for a Project check out This BlogPost.

This is how you would add a job for your project:


And this is how you would run DockerPester against your Project:
