
What is LaBSE?

Feng et al. (2020) proposed the LaBSE model, which is a multilingual sentence embedding model trained on 109 languages, including some Indic languages.

This toolkit can perform the following three tasks

  1. Assign quality scores to the Parallel Corpus
  2. Extract high-quality Parallel Corpus from the noisy Pseudo-Parallel corpus
  3. Perform Sentence Alignment on a given misaligned Parallel corpus.

The output of all the above tasks are stored in a folder out created in the current working directory


  1. Install Sentence-Transformers
    pip install sentence-transformers

  2. Install pytorch with CUDA 11
    pip3 install torch==1.9.0+cu111 torchvision==0.10.0+cu111 torchaudio==0.9.0 -f

Task 1: Assign quality-scores to the Parallel Corpus

python LaBSE-toolkit/ --source test-en.txt --target test-mr.txt --batch_size 1000 --operation score

Task 2: Extract high-quality Parallel corpus from Pseudo-Parallel corpus.

Hyperparameter: threshold

The Parallel sentences are extracted based on the threshold quality score provided.

python LaBSE-toolkit/ --source test-en.txt --target test-mr.txt --batch_size 1000 --operation score --threshold 0.8

Task 3: Sentence Alignment in Parallel Corpus

set --operation flag as sent-align

and set --threshold as per the required quality of parallel corpus

python LaBSE-toolkit/ --source test-en.txt --target test-mr.txt --batch_size 1000 --operation sent-align --threshold 0.8


-src, --source: PATH to source file
-tgt, --target: PATH to target file
-th, --threshold: LaBSE threshold value for extracting high quality data
-b, --batch_size: batch_size for LaBSE scoring 
-op, --operation: Select operation between score and sent-align
-mp, --model_path: Path to the saved LaBSE model

The hands-on tutorial can be found in this Colab Notebook